Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Duluth Area Chamber of Commerce Candidate Forum 8-3-10

1 Does Business Pay Enough Taxes, Duluth Chamber Candidate Forum 8-3-2010

2 Taxing the Rich, Duluth Chamber Candidate Forum 8-3-2010

3 Governor Race, Duluth Chamber Candidate Forum 8-3-2010

4 What Cuts on Spending or Increases on taxes plan, Duluth Chamber Candidate Forum 8-3-2010

5 What can you do to help business, Duluth Chamber Candidate Forum 8-3-2010

6 Local Government Aid, Duluth Chamber Candidate Forum 8-3-2010

7 Plan to reestablish political power for Our Area and Private vs Government, Duluth Chamber Candidate Forum 8-3-2010

8 Beginning and Ending Commercial, Duluth Chamber Candidate Forum 8-3-2010